
We have over 90 online training videos to help improve your skills. These are categorised into:
- Health & Safety Courses
- Health & Social Care
- Business Skills
Each course is accredited with certificates available on successful conclusion of the course.
Why not check out our video training with a free trial?
There is also a host of other material to download to help improve your knowledge or help you manage water treatment on site.
All prices on this site are exclusive of VAT which will be added at checkout.
Online training course accreditation
Course Title | Approval Body | CPD Units |
Abrasive Wheels | IIRSM & CPD | 3 |
Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5 | CPD | 2 |
Alcohol Personal Licence Holder | 3 | |
Allergen Awareness | CPD & RoSPA | 3 |
Anti Harassment and Bullying | CPD | 1 |
Asbestos Awareness | RoSPA & IATP | – |
Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers | RoSPA & IATP | – |
Assessing Display Screen Equipment | IIRSM | – |
Autism Awareness | CPD | 1 |
Basic Fire Safety Awareness | RoSPA, IFE & CPD | 2 |
Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes | RoSPA & CPD | 2 |
Basic Legionella Management | RoSPA | – |
Behavioural Safety | IIRSM | – |
CDM Awareness | IIRSM | – |
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace | CPD | 2 |
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) | IIRSM | – |
Customer Service | CPD | 2 |
Data Protection in the Workplace | CPD | 2 |
Dementia Awareness | CPD | 1 |
Developing Good Employee Relations | CPD | 2 |
Developing Teamwork | CPD | 1 |
Diabetes Awareness | CPD | 2 |
Dignity and Privacy | CPD | 2 |
Disciplinary Procedures | CPD | 2 |
Display Screen Equipment Awareness | IIRSM | – |
Duty of Care | CPD & CPD | 2 |
Effective Delegation | CPD | 3 |
Electrical Safety | IIRSM | – |
Emergency First Aid at Work – Online Annual Refresher | IIRSM | – |
End of Life Care | CPD | 1 |
Epilepsy Awareness | CPD | 1 |
Equality, Diversity and Discrimination | CPD | 2 |
Facebook for Business | CPD | 2 |
Fire Extinguisher | RoSPA & CPD | 1 |
Fire Marshal | RoSPA & CPD | 5 |
Fire Marshal for Care Homes | RoSPA & CPD | 5 |
Handling Information in a Care Setting | CPD | 1 |
Infection Control | CPD | 2 |
Introducing GDPR | CPD | – |
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage | CPD | 2 |
Introduction to Emotional Intelligence | CPD | 2 |
Introduction to HACCP Level 2 | CPD & RoSPA | 2 |
Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers | IIRSM | – |
Introduction to Risk Assessment | IIRSM | – |
Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines | CPD | 2 |
Leadership Skills | CPD | 3 |
Learning Disability Awareness | CPD | 2 |
Level 1 Food Safety – Catering | RoSPA & CPD | 2 |
Level 1 Food Safety – Manufacturing | RoSPA & CPD | 2 |
Level 1 Food Safety – Retail | RoSPA & CPD | 2 |
Level 2 Food Safety – Catering | RoSPA & CPD | 3 |
Level 2 Food Safety – Manufacturing | RoSPA & CPD | 3 |
Level 2 Food Safety – Retail | RoSPA & CPD | 3 |
LinkedIn for Business | CPD | 2 |
Lockdown Procedure in Schools | CPD | 2 |
Managing Meetings | CPD | 2 |
Managing Sickness and Absence | CPD | 1 |
Manual Handling | IIRSM & CPD | 2 |
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards | CPD | 2 |
Mental Health Awareness | CPD | 1 |
Negotiation | CPD | 2 |
Noise Awareness | IIRSM | – |
Nutrition and Hydration | CPD | 2 |
Objective Setting | CPD | 1 |
Paediatric First Aid | CPD | – |
Person-Centred Care | CPD | 2 |
Personal Protective Equipment | CPD | – |
Positive Handling in Schools | CPD | 3 |
Presentation Skills | CPD | 2 |
Prevent Duty | CPD | 2 |
Principles of Communication | CPD | 3 |
Project Management | CPD | 3 |
Safeguarding Adults | CPD | 2 |
Safeguarding Children | CPD | 2 |
Sales Skills | CPD | 3 |
Search Engine Optimisation for Business | CPD | 2 |
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace | CPD | 2 |
Sharps Awareness | CPD | 2 |
Slips, Trips and Falls | IIRSM | – |
Social Media for Business | CPD | 3 |
Stress Management | CPD | 1 |
Stroke Awareness | CPD | 2 |
Supervising Food Safety – Level 3 | CPD | – |
The Principles of Performance Management | CPD | 2 |
Time Management | CPD | 3 |
Twitter for Business | CPD | 2 |
Understanding your Role in Care | CPD | 2 |
Working at Height | RoSPA | – |
Working in Confined Spaces | IIRSM | – |
Working Safely | RoSPA & IIRSM | – |
Working Within the Private Security Industry | CPD | 3 |
Workplace Health and Safety | IIRSM | – |
Your Personal Development | CPD | 1 |
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